Ivydale is a local authority maintained school and therefore admissions, excluding those for nursery follow Southwark’s determined admissions criteria. Please follow the link below to their website. The closing date for applications for children due to start primary school in September 2022 is January 15th 2022.
Applications for nursery should be made directly with the school. Please call into the school office to pick up a form. Click on the link below for an outline of our nursery admissions procedure.
We are aiming to hold a mixture of in-person and online prospective parents events during the Autumn term. Dates will be advertised in early September.
Ivydale is a local authority maintained school and therefore admissions, excluding those for nursery follow Southwark’s determined admissions criteria. Please follow the link below to their website. The closing date for applications for children due to start primary school in September 2022 is January 15th 2022.
Applications for nursery should be made directly with the school. Please call into the school office to pick up a form. Click on the link below for an outline of our nursery admissions procedure.
We are aiming to hold a mixture of in-person and online prospective parents events during the Autumn term. Dates will be advertised in early September.

A love of learning for life
Home Learning
Daily tasks
At Ivydale expect all children to be reading at home every day. Children from reception to year 3 (and some children in years 4-6) use books from the home-school reading scheme which are graded to ensure they progress with their fluency and comprehension. Children in years 4-6 are encouraged to borrow books from class book corners or to bring books in from home.
Weekly tasks
Children are given spellings to learn or a phonics activity to complete. We encourage children to learn spellings using the ’look, cover, write, check’ method using cursive handwriting as we believe this helps to secure the spelling. Children are tested weekly on their spellings and parents can monitor progress via homework books.
Children are set weekly calculation activities to apply their number skills. In addition, children are expected to practise times tables every week. All children are expected to know times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of year 4. In Year 5 and 6 they should practise and rehearse times tables to ensure they remain fluent so that they can apply them to other contexts.
Each half term we send home a ‘homework bingo’ sheet with literacy, maths and topic tasks. These will be a range of more open ended, investigative or creative tasks that will allow the children to develop their independence and research skills. Children are expected to select one task each week for homework. We also send lists of recommended online games, resources and other activities such as local visits that parents can use to support and extend their children’s learning.
Our homework routine
All children have a homework book and we expect them to use a school book folder to carry homework and reading books to and from school. Weekly tasks are given out on a Friday and homework is handed in on a Wednesday.