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Emotional Wellbeing

We have a graduated approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing.  Every child is taught the skills they need to be emotionally literate, self-aware and mentally well.  The level of support each child needs to achieve these skills will depend on a number of factors including:

  • any barriers to learning

  • the level of social intelligence the child has when they join the school

  • what the child remembers as they move through the school

We can increase and blend support to ensure every child has the social and emotional skills to achieve their potential.  Our team includes teachers, SENDCos, a learning mentor, family support, mental health first aiders, teaching assistants, a pastoral support manager and an educational psychologist.

Most children thrive within our 'universal' core provision.  Every child benefits from weekly whole class teaching using a range of approaches, all with a strong evidential base, and include circle time, RULER, babywatching and P4C (philosophy for children).

At the core of each of these approaches is the importance of giving children an emotional vocabulary, the time and space to listen and reflect on how they feel as well as a set of tools to help them move to a more positive set of feelings when sadness, frustration, anger, loneliness or grief are experienced.

Sometimes this core approach isn't enough and a child needs targeted support either individually or in a small group.

For a small number of children, support from an external professional is the best match for their needs.  We would discuss this with parents before a referral is made.

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