Ivydale is a local authority maintained school and therefore admissions, excluding those for nursery follow Southwark’s determined admissions criteria. Please follow the link below to their website. The closing date for applications for children due to start primary school in September 2022 is January 15th 2022.
Applications for nursery should be made directly with the school. Please call into the school office to pick up a form. Click on the link below for an outline of our nursery admissions procedure.
We are aiming to hold a mixture of in-person and online prospective parents events during the Autumn term. Dates will be advertised in early September.
Ivydale is a local authority maintained school and therefore admissions, excluding those for nursery follow Southwark’s determined admissions criteria. Please follow the link below to their website. The closing date for applications for children due to start primary school in September 2022 is January 15th 2022.
Applications for nursery should be made directly with the school. Please call into the school office to pick up a form. Click on the link below for an outline of our nursery admissions procedure.
We are aiming to hold a mixture of in-person and online prospective parents events during the Autumn term. Dates will be advertised in early September.

A love of learning for life
At Ivydale we recognise that good attendance at school gives children the best chance of success. We aim to work together with families to ensure attendance is as high as possible and we expect children to attend school every day unless they are sick.
Parents and carers must contact the school by phone, in person or via every day that their child is off school to explain why they are off. No term time holidays will be authorised, so please don't book them. Any unexplained absences are classed as unauthorised and will be followed up.
When a child has high levels of absence or any unexplained absences we will support the family to improve attendance.